Belgian Beer: Duvel

Country: Belgium
Brewery: Brouwerij Moortgat
Beer: Duvel
ABV: 8.5%
Flavour: 9

This one of my favorite beers, golden-yellow appearance, great taste with a beautiful head of long-lasting white foam...mmmmm. When my family and friends come to visit me I always ask if they can bring some Duvels with them. Lucky for me I have the tulip shaped glass because Duvel tastes better in it.

After world war I, the Moortgat brewery created an ale they called "Victory Ale" until someone tasting the beer called it "Nen echte duvel" (flemish for "A real devil"). Since then, the beer was marketed as Duvel. The brand struggled at first, but it eventually became the flagship of brewery Moortgat, and one of the best known Belgian beers in the world.

A unique beer deserves a unique glass. At the end of the sixties, the Duvel glass was the first tulip shaped glass that allowed a 33-cl. bottle to be poured in one. No similar beer glasses existed up until then. The glass allows a more complete experience of the beer: the bulbous shape releases Duvel’s heavenly flavours and aromas. Since the glass narrows towards the top, it helps to preserve carbon dioxide and therefore the head. It also allows a better division between beer and froth in the same glass, where a classical glass would leave only froth.

The inner circle inside the bottom of the Duvel glass also causes the beer to sparkle subtly upwards to its luxurious head. For the last couple of years this engraving has been given the shape of a ‘D’, the first letter of the Duvel logo!

The Moortgat brewery started growing enormously around 1970. In 1999, Moortgat brewery was introduced into the Belgian stock market with a new name "Duvel Moortgat". Ever since, Duvel Moortgat uses his flagship Duvel to export more beers to over 40 countries.

Other beers from "Belgium".
Other beers from "Brouwerij Moortgat".

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